Carrowmore - Tomb 13

Carrowmore - Tomb 13

Location: Carrowmore, Co. Sligo

Classification: Passage Tomb

SMR Code: SL014-209008-


Tomb 13 looks like a miniature portal tomb. It consists of just the chamber now, but it still retains its rounded roof stone supported by several orthostats, one of which protrudes from under the roof stone. There are a number of other stones next to the dolmen on the western side which may have belonged to the passage. The boulder circle was destroyed by a road running through it so there is no kerb or other indication of the size of the complete monument.


Tomb 13 looks like a miniature portal tomb. It consists of just the chamber now, but it still retains its rounded roof stone supported by several orthostats, one of which protrudes from under the roof stone. There are a number of other stones next to the dolmen on the western side which may have belonged to the passage. The boulder circle was destroyed by a road running through it so there is no kerb or other indication of the size of the complete monument.


The origins of the Carrowmore monuments reach far into prehistory - the most ancient among them is close to 6,000 years old. The Cúil Irra peninsula, surrounded by sea and mountains, was the centre of a very rich area during the Neolithic. Carrowmore, at the very centre of the peninsula, would have had a significant symbolic role for the people living here. This was the place chosen as the sacred and religious centre for the population.


One of the most important pieces of folklore explains how the Carrowmore monuments were created. Local folklore has it that the Goddess Beara flew from her home 'Teach Cailleach a Bheara' (another small passage tomb in the Ox Mountains) towards Knocknarea, carrying an apron full of stones with the intention of creating some enclosures for her animals. Unfortunately an accident befell the poor Cailleach (hag or witch) and caused a great number of the stones to fall from her apron to the ground below. They landed in several piles over the landscape of Carrowmore and these became the monuments that we see today.

This monument is part of a Complex



Location: Carrowmore, Co. Sligo

View this Complex

This monument is part of a Complex

Accessibility Rating: Easy - Moderate

Most of the monuments in the Carrowmore Complex can only be accessed through the visitors centre which is open from March till October. The monuments are all within easy walking distance in a 1km sq area around the visitors centre.


Accessibility Class: Easy - Moderate

Most of the monuments in the Carrowmore Complex can only be accessed through the visitors centre which is open from March till October. The monuments are all within easy walking distance in a 1km sq area around the visitors centre.


Carpark. Visitors Centre.







Sunrise: 08:07

Sunset: 17:31






Sunrise: 08:07

Sunset: 17:31

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