Carrowkeel - Cairn B

Carrowkeel - Cairn B

Location: Treanscrabbadh, Co. Sligo

Classification: Passage Tomb

SMR Code: SL040-097001-


Cairn B is located on the cliff-walled northern extremity of one of the ridges that form the Bricklieve Mountains. The passage tomb stands within a circular cairn, 27m in diameter and 5m in height. Consisting of a roofed chamber which measures 2.85m from from the entrance to the backstone. It widens from 0.6m at the front to 1.25m at the rear and increases in height from some 0.9m to c. 1.5m. Three large slabs roof the tomb. Passage tomb art has been discovered on some of the stones.


Cairn B is located on the cliff-walled northern extremity of one of the ridges that form the Bricklieve Mountains. The passage tomb stands within a circular cairn, 27m in diameter and 5m in height. Consisting of a roofed chamber which measures 2.85m from from the entrance to the backstone. It widens from 0.6m at the front to 1.25m at the rear and increases in height from some 0.9m to c. 1.5m. Three large slabs roof the tomb. Passage tomb art has been discovered on some of the stones.


During the 1911 investigation burnt human bone and some pottery fragments were found in the tomb and two short cists, apparently secondary, were uncovered on the E side of the cairn.

This monument is part of a Complex



Location: Carrowmore, Co. Sligo

View this Complex

This monument is part of a Complex

Accessibility Rating: Difficult

Access via the Carrowkeel Passage Tomb Complex. This cairn is on the summit of a hill opposite the main cairns and it's a steep hike to get to the monument.


Accessibility Class: Difficult

Access via the Carrowkeel Passage Tomb Complex. This cairn is on the summit of a hill opposite the main cairns and it's a steep hike to get to the monument.


Limited parking







Sunrise: 08:05

Sunset: 17:31






Sunrise: 08:05

Sunset: 17:31

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